Sunday, May 27, 2012

What's Up?

I've decided to start my blog again. It's been far too long. Since I began blogging more than five years ago, I have been writing a great deal. I've had two books published and several more in the rafters. I'm trying something new here; allowing free downloads of some of my stories.  I hope for every person who doesn't care for my work, I have at least one who does. Either way, I do it mostly for me because it's cathartic. You will find my pennings eclectic. I write what I feel at a particular time and since I have a random "thinker" it can create some very strange offerings.

With that said, please enjoy the blog, the downloads, or my published books, if you choose to order.

Things are still under construction, so bear with me as I get this blog up and running!